Poppies In Vase Paint-By-Number Kit
“Poppies in a vase” features beautiful pink Icelandic poppies in a midnight blue vase. The pre-printed background features a pale green art-nouveau-inspired wallpaper. Completing the painting can take between 3-5 hours. When completed, select a frame at your local craft store and display! Recommended for ages 13 and up.
(1) 8x10 artist-quality, unmounted canvas with pre-printed background
(8) American-made, non-toxic, acrylic paints
(2) Princeton brush paintbrushes
You Will Need:
Cup of water to wash brushes between colors
Small cloth or paper towel for drying brushes
Cotton swabs for fixing small mistakes
Toothpicks for stirring paints (optional)
8x10 frame or clip board to display your completed artwork (optional)